
Friday, 31 July 2015

Italy Day 2

Hey Guys!!
Today I have another dose of pictures from Italy. In the morning I dragged out myself up to a castle which is up on a mountain, honestly I thought that its gonna take me about to 2 hours to get up there, but in reality it maybe took me about 40 minutes up and down. 
Here's some photos, Hope you enjoy it :)

Dzisiaj mam kolejną porcje zdjeci z Włoszech. Ze samego rana wyrwałam sie do zamku który jest na górze, szczerze... myślałam że mi zajmie 2 godziny żeby sie tam dostać, a tak na prawde zajeło mi 40 minut w tą i spowrotem  .
Tu macie fotki ,Mam nadzieje że sie wam spodobają :)

Italy Day 1

Helloo...or should I say bongiorno :)
Today, after 4 days of being in austria visiting my grandma, I'm finally here in my final destination..... italy, we are staying in beautiful Riva del Garda. We are staying here for 6 nights before we set back to our cold and rainy Northern Ireland, but before we get home we have to go back to Austria and France for a night each. But for now let me share some photos that I took today.

Hej.. czy jednak powinnam powiedzieć bongiorno :)
Dzisiaj, po 4 dniach bycia w Austrii, dotarliśmy do naszego finałowego celu, Włochy, zostajemy na 6 noce, i znowu w droge,  ale to juz do naszej zimnej i mokrej Irlandii....czyli inaczej do domy. Ale pierw jeszcze raz sie zatrzymamy we Austrii i we Francji na noc. Tutaj macie fotki z dzisiaj !!!

Shoes :Primark
Bag :Primark

(PS this post was ment to go up yesturday, but we have a really slow internet in our hotel)
(PS ten post miał być wstawiony wczoraj ale mamy bardzo wolny internet w hotelu) 

Saturday, 25 July 2015

Vacation Dairy Day 1

Hellooo... Everybody!!!
We finally made it to our first destination which is france, after being on the move for more than 24 hours, we are finally here. We had used mostly every form of transportation possible.. Like car, ship, and train, we only haven't used a plane...or a spaceship :D...
With no further ado, here's some photos :

Hej wszystkim !!!
Nareszcie po byciu w drodze dłużej niż 24 godziny dotarliśmy do naszego pierwszego przestanku którym jest Francja. Szczerze mówiąc to użyliśmy prawie każdego rodzaju transportu od samochodu i pociągu do statku.... Ok no nie lecieliśmy samolotem czy rakietą :D
Tu są zdjęcia :
Sorry for the black blob, basically its covering my school crest.
sorki za ta czarne cos, po prostu ukrywa logo mojej szkoly 

Friday, 24 July 2015

Type of Packer

Hey !!
Do today I want to discuss something that me and my friend were talking about couple days ago. As I'm leaving for my vacation today we were talking about what kind of packet are we, I am definitely a person that leaves everything to the last minute, for example, when in December I was flying over to Austria I packed 2 hours before heading to the airport.....well done Weronika :D ..... And I only started doing this about a year or 2 ago, I remember that when I was younger I probably packed about about a month before we actually left :)
So what kind of packer are ??
Thanks for reading !!!

Dzisiaj chciałam ruszyć temat o którym ostatnio rozmawiałam z moja znajomą. Z wiązku z tym że dzisiaj wyjeżdżam na wakacje rozmawialiśmy o tym jakim typem pakowicza (czy to w ogóle słowo...chyba tak) jesteśm. Ja na przykład kiedyś potrafiłam się spakować miesiąc przed wyjazdem ale to już jest kompletnie inna historia z porównaniem do dnia dzisiajszegi. Pamiętam jak w grudniu leciałam do Austriix i zaczęłam się pakować parwbgodzon przed wyjazdem na lotnisko... Brawo Weroniko...
Dzięki za czytanie :)
Jakim typem pakowicza ty jesteś ?

Friday, 10 July 2015

You are beautiful

Hello everybody, I'm sorry for not posting in a long time the truth is I was enjoying summer and the weather but today the weather went back to its usual in ireland so I have time to write this post.

 Today I want to share with you something that I have expirienced couple weeks ago, basically me and 2 of my friends went for ashopping trip to town near mine and so we took a train and on the way back as we were waiting for our train to come, an older man that was across the lanes from us started shouting,.. maybe no, shouting is a wrong word more like speaking loudly so we could here him.

At the start I wasnt paying attention as, I think I was on my phone or just daydreaming but when I finally when my friend got my attention and pointed at the man I realized what he was saying and these were the sweetest word and they were "you are lovely, girls!" these words totaly made my day, my week or even my year, its weird how this man told us that ,when I was feeling really bad about my body and I was slowly going back to that spiral of thoughts that i had about a year ago that made me feel really insecure but this experince showed me that no matter how ugly you think you are there always will be people who see you as pretty !

so guys todays question is have you ever had experince like that ?
please leave a comment :)
Thanks for reading, byeee!!